Jewelcollect Registered Members Club: Another Level of Jewelcollect
Jewelcollect Registered Members Club is for exchanging business and confidential information pertaining to trading on the Internet.
Inquiries about membership may be made by writing to Jewelcollect Organization Administrator who will forward specific information about the Club. Certain requirements apply, including a spotless business reputation for all applicants. Jewelcollect Registered Members Club is a dues-paying forum. Dues for each year is payable in advance. JC Registered Club Members websites are identified with this logo next to the name on the official list of JC Members Websites. WARNING:If this logo  does not show next to the site owner's name, he or she is not a member of Jewelcollect Registered Members Club. If a site claims to be a JC Registered Club Member but is not listed on the official Members Websites page, the site is not a Member or no longer a Member. However, Registered Club Members who do not operate websites are never listed. To ascertain if someone is a JC Registered Club Member, write to Administrator.