Jewelcollect Organization

Jewelcollect Members Web Sites
JC Registered Members Web Sites

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Alison's Antiques & Vintage Jewelry
Alison Gadberry, Owner

Always Treasured Antiques & Collectibles
Kacey Donston, Owner

Amazing Adornments
Carolyn Henry, Owner

Annie's Original Art Jewelry
Annie Navetta, Owner

Antique Designer Costume Jewelry
Valerie Gedziun, Owner

Antiquing On Line
Elaine Kula, Owner

AZillion SPARKLZ Vintage Costume Jewelry
Janet Gaynor, Owner


Bangle Caddies by Irislady & Vintage Costume Jewelry
Judy Miller, Owner

Belle à Coeur Treasure Trove Vintage
Diana Craig Sparks, Owner

Bitz of Glitz
Delores and William Benedict, Owners

Boo Bears Baubles
Sheri Weiss, Owner


Carole Tanenbaum Vintage Collection
Carole Tanenbaum, Owner

Barbara J. Sallen, Owner


Caryn Naiditch, Owner

Laurel Ciotti, Owner

Eclectic Vintage - Costume Jewelry & Collectibles
Jan Gaughan, Owner

Elaine's Antiques & Collectibles
Elaine Messarra, Owner

Emerald City Vintage Costume Jewelry
Elizabeth Rowlands, Owner

Eureka I Found It
Boffo Beads
Susan at Eureka, Owner


Lisa Cohen, Owner

Forever Fabulous
Susan Williams, Owner

A Forgotten Romance
Yelena Zhilo, Owner

Foxfire Vintage Jewelry on Etsy
Sandy Lisnak, Owner


Garden Party Collection
Adrienne Shivers, Owner

Gemsplus~Vintage Jewelry
Renee Poole, Owner


Gingerbread Farm Antiques and Vintage Jewelry
Lisa Boydstun, Owner

The Glitter Box
Sheila Pamfiloff, Owner

Grandma's Top Drawer
Monica Williams, Owner

Great Finds! Antiques and Collectibles
Peter and Paula Gofton, Owners



The Ice Box
Carolyn Lapins, Owner

Illusion Jewels Vintage Costume Jewelry
Dorothea Stringfield, Owner

Into Temptation
Evelyn Yallen, Owner

Nancy Janeliunas, Owner

Jazzle Dazzle
Lisa Corcoran, Owner

Jennifer Lynn's Timeless Jewelry
Jennifer Lynn Edie, Owner

Jewelry Addiction
Lorna Breshears, Owner

Jewels And All That Jazz
Yvonne Miller, Owner

Gail Pullin, Owner


KayeJaye Vintage Jewelry
Kaye Aaroe-Barbieri, Owner


Lee Caplan Vintage Collection
Lee Caplan, Owner

Liz Collectible Jewelry
Liz Bryman, Owner

Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Lori Kizer, Owner

Loveoldstuff Costume Jewelry on Ruby Lane
Lil Roberts, Owner

The Lush Life
Erik Yang, Owner


Mary Ann, Mary Ann Designs and Anna's Vintage Jewelry
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith, Owner

Mercy Madge!
Sharon Donson, Owner

Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry
Morning Glory Antique Connection Mall
Jane H. Clarke, Owner
Matthew Ribarich, Owner

M. Schon
Marbeth Schon, Owner



Past and Present Jewelry
Diane Hanselman, Owner

The Pink Lady Collection
Claudia Roach, Owner

Plastic Fantastic
Karima Parry, Owner

Pretty Snazzy Vintage Costume Jewelry and Rhinestones
Stefanie Brawner, Owner

Pumpkins and Peacock Feathers
Jill Dutcher, Owner

Purple Daisy
Purple Daisy on Etsy
Sue Webb, Owner


Red Robin Antiques
Robin Allison, Owner

Remember When Vintage
Rita Perloff, Owner

Retro Jewels
Deborah Kosnett, Owner

Rhinestone Jewelry Corporation
Jeffrey Levy, Owner

Terri Friedman, Owner


Sterling Trends
Debora Mauser, Owner

Sunday and Sunday
Ed and Carolyn Sunday, Owner


Thanks for The Memories
Leigh Leshner, Owner

Tiffany's Treasures
Tiffany Wesner, Owner

TruFaux Jewels
Barbara A. Schwartz, Owner

Twin Brooks Antiques and Collectibles
Judith Katz-Schwartz, Owner

A Twinkle in Time
Cindy Amirkhan, Owner


Ed Davis, Owner


Venus Vintage Jewelry on Ruby Lane
Tracy Green, Owner

Vintage Jewelry Collect
Melinda L. Abbott, Owner

Vintage Jewelry
Shelley Osborne, Owner

Vintage Treasures
Brenda Nurenberg, Owner

Vintage Treasures 4U
Judi Bollan, Owner

A Vintage Whim
Dottie DeFeo, Owner


Wendy Gell
Wendy Gell, Owner



Yesterdays Jewels
Linda Heberling, Owner

Would you like your site linked above?

Only Jewelcollect Members' sites will be linked with reciprocating links on their sites. Jewelcollect Organization regrets that it cannot maintain links to non-reciprocating sites or to sites without any jewelry connecting topics or services. Sites where owners are no longer subscriber members of Jewelcollect Organization will be dropped.

Are you trying to research a mark or a costume jewelry manufacturer name?

Then you need to Go To the ultimate research site:

Researching Costume Jewelry RCJ© 1997--2009
Jewelry History - Jewelry Research - Jewelry Marks - Jewelry Signatures
Dorothy Stringfield and Pat Seal, Researchers

Please Note:

All web sites under reconstruction, closed/defunct/abandoned, with changed content to other than jewelry, serving as billboards for online auctions, or having been taken over by other owners than Jewelcollect subscriber members, are removed from links. Sites without reciprocal links to Jewelcollect home page have also been removed.

Please advise Jewelcollect Organization Administrator when your site is ready to show and/or sell jewelry so it can be linked. If you find a Member website link that no longer points to the jewelry website name in the title kindly advise Administrator so it can be removed.

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            Email: Liz Bryman, Owner-Administrator            
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