Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Jewelcollect

Please Note that JEWELCOLLECT has a NEW HOME as of February 3, 2014:

Jewelcollect on Google Groups

The questions below have been asked before and here are the answers. If you have a question not covered, please feel free to submit it to Jewelcollect's Owner-Administrator for consideration. Click on link for the answer. Use your browser Back button to take you back to this menu.
1. How to Post?
2. How to Reply to a Post?
4. How Can I Get Previous JC Posts?
5. Can I Get A Daily Digest of JC Posts?
6. Do I Introduce Myself?
7. Can I Ask for or Give Advice, Assistance?
8. What About Buying and Selling?
9. I Buy and Sell on Web Auction Sites. Can This Be Discussed?
10. Can I Post on Want-To-Buy (WTB)?
11. Which Topics Are Acceptable?
12. Which Topics Are Not Acceptable?
13. Can I Get or Give Information on Resources?
14. What About Personal Messages?
15. How Long Can the Posts Be?
16. How Are Differences of Opinion Handled?
17. What About Attachments of Images, etc.?
18. My Post Didn't Show Up on My Computer. Can I re-Send it?
19. How Do I Tell One Poster from Another when the Name Is the Same?
20. Who Is the Owner of Jewelcollect?
21. Can I Make Suggestions re the List?
22. Is Jewelcollect Moderated?
23. If I Send a Post by Mistake, Can It Be Stopped from Posting?
24. I Found Something Good on Another List I Belong to. Can I Post It?
25. I Have Something Great I Want to Share But It's Really Long. What Do I Do?
26. I Am Really New to Email Lists. Are There More Postings Tips?
27. If I Want to Leave Jewelcollect, What Do I Do?

1. How to Post?
  • To post a message to the list, send a mail to

    Use a Subject headline that describes your message. The listserv program will automatically add the letters JC-GOOGLE: first in the Subject line. This is for your benefit so you may immediately recognize Jewelcollect posts from personal email. Some subscribers also use this feature to automatically sort or filter their list mail.

    Please MAKE SURE that you ALWAYS send your posts to the Jewelcollect list from the same email address you Subscribed. If you try to post using a different, non-Subscribed-to-Jewelcollect sender email address, your message will not post.

    The Jewelcollect list has a block on all Non-Subscribed email addresses. This protects Jewelcollect members from spammers, nuisance mail, and viruses sent in attachments to the list from non-subscribed email addresses.

    If you wish to post from additional email addresses than the one you used to Subscribe, you will need to Subscribe them also.
  • 2. How to Reply to a Post?
  • When responding to a message, you have a choice of replying to the entire list readership or only the poster. Select the one most suited to your response. When replying to a previous post, you need not include entire previous text. Do "snip" (delete) irrelevant parts.
  • 4. How Can I Get Previous JC Posts?
  • Back copies of previous posts in the former Jewelcollect list are not available. As new posts appear in Google Groups they will be automatically archived. Look for Archives on the webpage to locate these.
  • 5. Can I Get a Daily Digest of JC Posts?
  • A daily digest of Jewelcollect's posts is available. Look for the link on how to Subscribe to the Digest.
  • 6. Do I Introduce Myself?
  • If you wish, you can post a short personal introduction, something about yourself and why you like and collect antique and vintage jewelry. This is NOT a requirement! Feel free to just read and enjoy!
  • 7. Can I Ask for or Give Advice, Assistance?
  • Do post your requests for advice on repair or supply information, where to shop for vintage jewelry in your own area or other areas, how to identify certain pieces you have. Maybe someone on the list knows and posts a response to the list or writes you personally. Please give URL or email address to a website in your post, but please do not rerun entire ads or plugs for others' products to the list. If you ask research or identification questions, please do not expect the Jewelcollect readership to be a virtual encyclopaedia of higher knowledge in jewelry, ready to answer every question. Sometimes no one else knows the answer either. Please feel free to contribute yourself when you have an answer.
  • 8. What About Buying and Selling?
  • If you wish to buy or sell, MONDAY IS SALE DAY. On Mondays only selling announcements may be posted within these guide lines:
    1. Post on anything costume jewelry that you want to sell or have listed at auction. This includes plugging websites, announcing site updates, sales. Piggyback paragraphs [see #11] on other vintage are OK to post, too, but not as freestanding posts.

    2. Make your post as long as you want. Attachments of images are alright also.

    3. Begin posting at MIDNIGHT Your Personal U.S. Time going into MONDAY, End posting at MIDNIGHT Your Personal U.S. Time going into TUESDAY. Don't push this limit in either direction by posting earlier or later than Midnight in Your Time Zone. The Time Stamp on your post states when it was sent. Be sure you send your post in your own time zone setting. No oopsie, I didn't know what time it was posts either, please.

    4. ONE (1) For Sale (Auction, etc.) POST per POSTER on Mondays. Verify URLs yourself first before sending post so there are no Ooopsie posts because of typing errors.

    5. During the rest of the week, NO for sale or at-auction posts, special offers, discount sales, site or auction plugs, or site updates, or other commercial offers of ANY KIND are permitted. Administrator will not hesitate to unsubscribe anyone breaking this rule.

    UPDATE: Exception: On Fridays, other VINTAGE collectible items may be posted for sale and at auction on FRIDAY FLEAMARKET. The same time frame as for Monday Market applies, see 3. above.

    6. ALL responses/replies to commercial offers should be made OFF the list. No list copies re interest or replies to offers may be posted to the list. Do not post on Solds either. Reply PRIVATELY to everyone re transactions.

  • 9. I Buy and Sell on Web Auction Sites. Can This Be Discussed?
  • Yes. Discussion of concerns regarding sale policies, customer relations, descriptions, identification, etc. may be discussed. Please do not post auction listings to the list as identification questions. The readers see right through this and don't like it. If you have technical or personal problems with an auction site, this is not jewelry-related and should not be discussed on the list. Questions on such problems should be sent to the auction sites help forums.
  • 10. Can I Post on Want-To-Buy (WTB)?
  • WTB posts are acceptable. But, all of us are often looking for the SAME important names. Posting long lists of general WTB with those names is boring reading as most everyone already has a similar WTB list. To mention specific and unusual wants in a post is, however, acceptable. Replies to WTB should be by private e-mail to the inquirer.
  • 11. Which Topics Are Acceptable?
  • Jewelcollect is only for discussion of Collectible Costume Jewelry, and products which relate to it, such as literature and items for jewelry display, storage, photography and scanning, sale, repair, cleaning, restoration, etc., and not any other collectibles. If you wish to add non-jewelry items to your posts, such as vintage purses, or compacts, vanity and desk sets, etc., perhaps bejeweled or otherwise interesting to jewelry collectors, you may piggy-back them on your post about Jewelry. A piggy-back post means a paragraph at the end of a post about jewelry. Technical questions related to jewelry on the Internet may be asked. Please request responses by personal mail as your question and answer may only be of interest to you.
  • 12. Which Topics Are Not Acceptable?
  • Individual posts on non-jewelry or non-jewelry-related collectibles or subjects should NOT be made as Jewelcollect is dedicated to Costume Jewelry ONLY. Please see also Question 8. and its answer above. If a question of general interest also might be of interest to Jewelcollect readers, please check with me before posting. We do make exceptions.

    PLEASE NOTE: This rule is absolutely necessary, and strictly enforced! If you, yourself, and everyone else on Jewelcollect also, would like to receive about 600 messages per day about every conceivable "other collectible" than jewelry, I will consider changing this rule. If you do not look forward to this much mail about things in which you have no interest, don't post on non-jewelry collectibles yourself either. Diamond, gold, etc. discussions are therefore also excluded, as they do not qualify as Costume Jewelry. If you are not sure if something is costume jewelry or not, ask yourself how you would wear it. If you can't wear it, it's not jewelry. COSTUME JEWELRY ONLY discussions, please remember that.
  • 13. Can I Get or Give Information on Resources?
  • If you need information on a resource, please ask. If you have a favorite jewelry-related resource or product you wish to recommend, you are invited to share it with the list. Everyone loves to hear about where to buy replacement stones at the best prices, or which products are recommended for cleaning or repairing jewelry. However, please note Question and Answer 7. above, about not rerunning complete ads for other resources.
  • 14. What About Personal Messages?
  • In the interest of not overloading the list with messages of personal nature, I will ask everyone who subscribes to limit submissions to general interest rather than responding on a personal level. Personal messages are best sent by private e-mail, and if the response is of general interest, the listreader who received it can always ask by private e-mail if the sender would like to post it to the list. If you respond in a post to a question by someone and wish to include this inquirer's name, it's alright, of course. It's also suggested to not CC: jewelcollect list on personal letters. Please look first if a message came to you personally before you rerun it with your reply to the list. The writer who wrote you personally may not appreciate your rerunning his or her personal message to you for all to see. If you have an automatic cc: set to the Jewelcollect list, please disable it before posting. Also, if you are looking to find an email address to someone on Jewelcollect, please write to me and ask for it. DO NOT post "Looking For So&So's Email Address" messages. The person you seek may not be on Jewelcollect any longer, or may never have been. I will be happy to send you the email address from the Jewelcollect list if the person is a subscriber.
  • 15. How Long Can the Posts Be?
  • The length of your message is important. You may wish to limit your post to one-two pages per post. You can always send a follow-up page to the list. The list serve will not post too long messages so your precious efforts writing them are wasted.
  • 16. How Are Differences of Opinion Handled?
  • On Jewelcollect, we want to keep it NICE! If someone new to the Net does something considered a No-No, such as TYPING IN CAPS, f.ex., it is suggested to let this pass. We are all new once. If someone feels compelled to tell a 'newbie' about a faux pas, please, do so by personal e-mail, and not to the list. Messages with aggressive language are not welcomed. Agressive personal email to other subscribers is also frowned upon. Should I hear about it, it's good-bye from Jewelcollect. We wish to make Jewelcollect a welcoming and helpful forum for everyone, and nasty and/or irate letter writer subscribers will be invited out post haste.
  • 17. What About Attachments of Images, etc.?
  • NO attachments of Any Kind may be posted to Jewelcollect. Attachments such as JPEG images, or text, may only be sent to other JC subscribers IF they have indicated to you that they are willing to receive them. Ask first, and await response before sending any attachment! All subscribers are not able to receive attachments to e-mail, therefore Jewelcollect cannot offer this service.
  • 18. My Post Didn't Show Up on My Computer. Can I re-Send it?
  • Posting your message Once is usually sufficient. You may not see it immediately on your screen but it will appear soon; it takes the server a while to deliver it to about 400 subscribers. Do not resend your message as it will then post twice, taking up unnecessary space and annoy the readers. If your message has not shown up in six hours or more, please re-post as it may be lost in cyber space. PLEASE: Do NOT post messages to the list about your email problems; we all have them, and they are only getting worse as the Net expands. Such posts are not of interest to anyone except yourself, and further add to the mail load, which, obviously, contributes to the problems. If you have a problem posting, write to me, list-administrator, and I'll try to help.
  • 19. How Do I Tell One Poster from Another when the Name Is the Same?
  • Everyone is reminded to please sign your post with *your name and locale,* or other identifying line, and not to leave it blank or with an email address only. It's hard to respond to anyone whose name we don't know. Because of duplicates and triplicates of some names, it's important AND nice to know Which One we're reading or responding to in the posts. There are limits to how explicit you need to be, however. If you use a very long signature, i.e. over four lines, please leave it out. Too overpowering signatures are space-eaters and annoy other readers.
  • 20. Who Is the Owner of Jewelcollect?
  • Liz, i.e. Isabelle Bryman, of Liz Collectible Jewelry, yours truly, is the sole owner of this list. If you have specific questions for ME, you may send them to my private e-mail address (Liz Bryman) (My personal email address has NOT changed). Jewelcollect is not affiliated with any Internet provider entity or on-line service.
  • 21. Can I Make Suggestions re the List?
  • Suggestions to me re the list are always welcome. Please bear in mind that I may have seen them before. If the suggestions in any way are intended to change anything in the format as described here, please understand that this format has been designed after much trial and error and is accepted by the current readership AS IS. Therefore no format changes will be considered. Improvement ideas are always considered however.
  • 22. Is Jewelcollect Moderated?
  • Jewelcollect is not a moderated list. As owner-administrator I monitor it on the screen only, and if any of the guide lines are ignored more than once in posts (off-topic, obviously personal responses re sales, etc., offensive language, etc.), the poster will receive a friendly reminder to please read these guide lines again. We want to keep Jewelcollect friendly, and we like a good laugh so if you have a funny experience to share, jewelry-related to be sure, please do.
  • 23. If I Send a Post by Mistake, Can It Be Stopped from Posting?
  • I do not see any material posted before you do. If you have accidentally sent a post you regret sending, I can't stop it from posting. You can, however, send a follow-up post where you explain and/or apologize to the readership. You can also delete it from the web forum. This is suggested, as we all make mistakes sometimes. In this vein, it is also strongly suggested not to criticize anyone who obviously has sent a post in error to the list. Its message was not intended for the list and should be ignored. Posts commenting on posts sent in error should not be made. Remember, no one is perfect, and it could be you who accidentally sends a private post to the list the next time. Critical posts of error posts are mean-spirited and reflect worse on those writing them than the original poster's "mistake" post.
  • 24. I Found Something Good on Another List I Belong to. Can I Post It to Jewelcollect?
  • As a rule, no. However, if you can provide the original poster's specific permission in writing that you may post it elsewhere, it's alright. There are laws prohibiting the re-use of other people's information without their permission. However, you are welcome to post a link to another site with the information if you wish.
  • 25. I Have Something Really Great I'd Like to Share with Jewelcollect But It's Really Long. What Do I Do?
  • You can post a brief description of what you have and offer to send the document as an attachment to email to anyone who wants it if they request it. If you do not want to do this, don't post on it.
  • 26. I Am Really New to Email Lists. Are There More Postings Tips Available?
  • Yes, thank you for asking. Click on this highlighted text to Go To

    Tips for New Jewelcollect Email List Participants

    27. If I Want to Leave Jewelcollect, What Do I Do?
  • Should you find that you have no time or interest to participate in the Jewelcollect list any longer, find the link on How To Unsubscribe in the Google Groups webpage and complete it.

    Make sure you unsubscribe FROM the same email address to which you are Subscribed or your request will be ignored. If you change email address, please remember to unsubscribe from the old one while you still have it, and re-subscribe with your new e-address. If you need help for any reason, please email me personally and I'll be glad to help.
  • Welcome to Jewelcollect!
